Wednesday, September 15, 2004

: Nothing 'but' Net Roam :

Jus' happened to read the following article [via :'Joel'] ..

'Incrementalists' are realists. They have a pretty good idea of what is achievable given a problem to solve, a product to ship. They're intimately aware of how many resources are available, where the political landscape is at any given moment, and they know who knows what. They tend to know all the secrets and they like to be recognized for that fact.

'Completionists' are dreamers. They have a very good idea of how to solve a given problem and that answer is SOLVE IT RIGHT. Their mantra is, "If you're going to spend the time to solve a problem, solve it in a manner that you aren't going to be solving it AGAIN in three months."

Email is never ever ever never ever the right way to resolve controversy. Don't waste your time solving problems in email... stand up... walk down the hall... and look the person in the eye. You'll live longer.

Read fully @ "Incrementalists versus Completionists" and the comments.

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