Friday, December 24, 2004

Vomit ? only voice !!

Vomit [Voice Over Misconfigured Internet Telephones], a utility which converts a Cisco IP phone conversation (recorded with TCPdump) into a wave (.WAV) file that can be played with any standard WAV audio player.

Vomit earns the coveted Compendium Award for 'worst product name' of the day [link].

Seems that Vomit was released loongtime back in the year 2001 itself, but as VoIP deployment and security are getting hot now.. Vomit comes in news again .. yes,

"Siemens have been telling hundreds of telecoms and IT specialists the ways criminals steal packets of voice data from converged and data networks, so they can eavesdrop on corporate calls. These VoIP attacks are often enabled by a free download known as Vomit, designed to convert IP phone conversations into a wave file that can be played with ordinary sound players" .. [news]

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