Monday, December 06, 2004

Cry !! ;-<

Don't CRY ? @least I don't like !!. Be Cool, Calm, Relax & Smile ;-)

Most people say they feel better after a good cry. Crying helps release all the tension, anxiety and frustrations of life. It feels great to relieve yourself of the hurt without being destructive. Also, crying stimulates the release of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that have mood-elevating effects and help you feel better.

What are tears?

Tears are of three types: continuous, reflex and emotional. Continuous tears are the ones which just flow to lubricate your eyes, or when you're sleepy and yawn. Reflex tears are those which are in response to irritants like smoke, onion vapors or foreign bodies. Emotional tears are by far the most complex. They can be stemmed by happiness, sadness, anger, stress or any other deep emotion.

Crying is not a solution

Crying may ease the pain, but no matter how much you cry, you can't wish the cause of your tears away. No amount of crying will get back your lost love, take you back in time so your child passes that exam or bring you a promotion. What crying does is help you express your pain and indulge in a few moments - or hours - or days - of self pity. You accept your vulnerabilities as human beings, and by doing so you regain strength to wipe the tears away, open your eyes, lift your heads, and move on.

The fact is, women, on an average, cry five times more than men.


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