Monday, October 25, 2004

Search Engine?

Are You Having An Affair With Your Search Engine?

The internet is often blamed for 'rising divorce rates' [link, funny!!!], but usually it's because people started having online relationships with other people. However, what if your significant other is having an 'online relationship with a search engine'?

A new study (from MSN search, Is there any bias here ??) finds that 'men talk to Google more than their girlfriends' [link] (Is this common across the globe ??) when it comes to asking for advice on things. Women tend to go the more traditional route of talking to family and friends. The article shows a few other differences between the way men and women search, including the news that men are more likely to ego-surf than women... Oh God, nothing to comment all about this .. save this new world & make the people happy ?? ..

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