First one is the 'Get Ahead' article from,
[#]. Express your pain
[#]. Surround yourself with comfortable things
[#]. Don't ever blame yourself!
[#]. Rediscover yourself. Try something new
[#]. Be patient. Healing takes time
Read the article @@ ..
Next one is article in 'Times Of INDIA' about Gandhi, really interesting one (???), as mentioned in the article .. 'is it fiction or fact?'.. Whatever, it may be ? sorry, No comments !! try for that book ??
'Resist me when you must...
[by Sudhir Kakar, author of 'Mira and Mahatma' -- claims -- is a work of fiction bordering on reality that explores the complex relationship between Gandhi and Madeline Slate...]
.. "You are on the brain. I look about me, and miss you. I open the charkha and miss you.." from Bapu's letter to Mira ... Bapu wrote 350 letters to Mira; he never wrote so many letters to anyone else. ...
.. So, in a way, the Mira and Mahatma conflict was inevitable -- for, reads the book -- 'this was a genesis of a 'violent and passionate' disturbance'...
.. She didn't want to share him with anyone. She thought the world had misjudged him and nobody knew him better than her. It's an amazing story of an extraordinary woman, yet I think she was fulfilled because she was so passionate ...
Read the article @@
: If you are going to doubt something, Doubt your limits - Don Ward :